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RunnerWindow/RiderWindow for fenix 3



Ver 1.5, 2015-10-15 Download:  Runner Window / Rider Window

Yet another complex running information data field.

I want to see all the information of running in a single screen, so I wrote this data field for myself.

Runner Window is composed of 9 fields, including current time, timer time, cadence(stride), average pace, altitude, grade(slope), total distance, heart rate and current pace (average over 30-60 seconds). It also provides battery power percentage and GPS signal quality information.

RiderWindow provides almost the same functions, only average pace and current pace are replaced with average speed and current speed. 


  1. Automatic metric/statute detection

    According to user's setting to display disntance in mile or km, altitude in feet or meter, pace in time per km or time per mile, speed in km per hour or miles per hour.

  2. GPS signal quality and battery power percentage

    Use signal bars to indicate the quality of GPS signal, when the GPS is unusable, GPS characters will be red. 
    A battery bar with different color (>50% green, >15% range, <15% red) and power percentage number.
  3. Support black and white background color

    RunnerWindow/RiderWindow provides both black and white background colors  and you can choose background color. In firmware 6.08b/Connect IQ 1.2, RunnerWindow/RiderWindow will change background according to your data field background color setting in Garmin's built-in menu. 
    In firmware 3.8-4.9 with Connect IQ 1.1x, you need to adjuect the 12 hour/24 hour settings to change the background, 24h for black and 12h for white. 

  4. Smart switching frequence of shared field

    The average pace, altitude and grade share the middle field and switch in a *smart* frequence.
    When running on plain roads (grade <= 1%), the altitude show only 5 seconds each 30 seconds so you can read the average pace more easily.
    When climbing or decending (grade > 1%), the altitude and grade information is important, so the shared field changes every 5 seconds.
    The grade will be displayed in the altitude header and also shows in the shared field as larger font for 1 to 2 seconds according to the grade value. 1 second when grade < 3%, 2 senconds when altitude > 3%.
    Hope this design can cover more scenarios.

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Ver 1.5 Changlog

    • Refactor code to reduce memory usage or it won't survive under CIQ 1.2.
    • Add grade(slope) field
    • Add smart rolling feature to shared field
    • Black and white background colors
    • Current pace algorithm improved

Ver 1.4 Changelog

    • Program refactored to reduce memory usage to avoid out of memory issue on some firmware version

Ver 1.3 Changelog

    • Bug Fixed: The data field will crash when it is set on the first page

Ver 1.2 Changelog

    • Use separate metric/statute settings for distance, pace and altitude, for example: ft fo altitude and km for distance.

Ver 1.1 Changelog

    • Display current time with format HH:mm and larger font
    • Display GPS signal strength
    • Avoid empty period of current pace (average over 20 seconds) in first 20 seconds
    • Display distance and pace in KM or mile according to user's metric/statute setting
    • Display unit in altitude (ft or m) and distance (mi or km) headers



Ver 1.5, 2015-10-15 下載: Runner Window / Rider Window


RunnerWindow 總共包含九種跑步資訊,包含現在時刻、跑步時間(Time)、步頻(Cadence)、平均步速(Avg Pace)、海拔高度(Altitude)、坡度(Grade/Slop,每100公尺上升或下降幾公尺,以百分比表示)、心率(HR)、目前步速(Pace,採30-60秒平均值),另外再加上電池電量百分比以及 GPS 訊號狀態(包含訊號強弱顯示)。平約步速與高度、爬升率共用最中央的顯示位置,採智慧切換頻率。RiderWindow與RunnerWindow功能相同,只有將目前步速及平均步速改為目前時速及平均時速,方便自行車運動時使用。


  1. 自動偵測公制英制設定

  2. GPS訊號品質及電量百分比顯示

    以訊息條呈現 GPS 訊號強度,無訊號時顯示紅色,且提供電量條(>50%綠色,>15%橘色,<5%紅色)及電量百分比顯示。
  3. 可選擇黑色或白色背景

    Firmware 3.8-4.9 Connect IQ 1.1.3/1.1.4 使用時間12小時/24小時制切換,設為24小時制時進入黑底模式,12小時制時進入白底模式。(因資料欄位無法與外界溝通改變設定,故借用12/24小時制設定切換顏色,反正大多數人都有內建12/24小時換算模組,12/24小時制設定可有可無 :P)
    Firmware 6.08b Connect IQ 1.2則會依手錶選單內的資料欄位底色設定,配合改為黑色或白色。

  4. 共用欄位智慧切換


Ver 1.5 改版說明

    • 再用力重構擠出更多記憶體以便在Connect IQ 1.2環境存活
    • 加入坡度(Grade/Slop)欄位
    • 共用欄位加入智慧型切換頻率
    • 加入黑白雙底色支援

Ver 1.4 改版說明

    • 程式重構減少記憶體用量,解決在新版韌體可能因記憶不足當機的情況

Ver 1.3 改版說明

    • 修正當資料欄位被設在第一頁會當掉的問題

Ver 1.2 改版說明

    • 英制/公制依距離、高度、步速之使用者設定可分別設定,例如:高度用公尺、距離採英里

Ver 1.1 改版說明

    • 現在時刻顯示格式改為HH:mm並加大字體
    • 增加 GPS 訊號強弱顯示
    • 移除目前步速前20秒空白期
    • 依使用者之公制/英制設定決定距離及步速顯示單位
    • 在高度及距離標題加入單位顯示,高度:ft或m、距離:mi或km

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